It is already business as usual for companies and organizations to improve their resource efficiency and minimize the amount of emissions and waste on daily basis. In other words we are seeking to reduce our footprint. At the same time companies are developing products, services or technologies that reduce the environmental impacts of their customers. But how to assess and communicate environmental benefits of these actions? As footprint refers to the negative impacts, the term handprint is used to refer to positive impacts.

This web page introduces the concepts to assess and communicate the carbon handprint and environmental handprint in of a product and organizations. Handprint methodologies are developed in two projects (Carbon Handprint and Environmental Handprint) and they are in line with standardized life cycle assessment and footprint methods.

Additionally, “Carbon Neutrality Empowered by Handprint” an ongoing research project is developing the framework to reliably and credibly show the climate neutrality and the positive environmental impacts of circular solutions.

Final Seminar on February 14, 2024

The “Carbon Neutrality Empowered by Handprint – Final Seminar” was held on February 14, 2024 at VTT premises. The presentations are available here.

Project logos


VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd

Tiina Valjakka

Katri Behm


LUT University

Kaisa Grönman, tel: +358 40 584 5895

Risto Soukka, tel: +358 40 072 3094
